Former Lab Members
Judy Abuel
Intern 2018-2021
Sharon Adams
Research Assistant
Tai Akande
Saverio Alberti
Postdoctoral Fellow 1983-1986
Co-Director Unit of Cancer Pathology - Università degli Studi G. d'Annunzio Chie
Arthur Alderstein
Keith Allen
Animal Caretaker
Masahiko Amano
Postdoctoral 1993-1997
Gail Anderson
Marilyn Anderson
Michael Anderson
Postdoctoral Fellow 1990-1998
James Andrus
Pediatrics - Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Jean Anderson
Administrative Assistant 1998
Naoko Arai
Bahram Aram
Research Assistant
Kondala Rao Atkuri
Research Assistant
Director at Takeda
Sudhir Baji
Visiting MD
Associate Professor, HIC-Vac Institute: Christian Medical College, Vellore
Teresa Bajorek
Laboratory Assistant 1991
Manager An. Program , Gilead Sciences
Nakso Banov
Nicole Baumgarth
Postdoctoral Fellow 1996 - 2000, Herzenberg Laboratory
Professor, Center for Comparative Medicine, UC Davis
Neelima Bhat
Graduate Student 1989-1993
Research Associate Stanford University Medical Center
Diana Bianchi
Medical Student
Director - Adjunct Investigator Medical Genetic Branch NIH
Marty Bigos
Senior Applications Software Developer - 2000
Director Emeritus, Special Projects FACS Facility - Stanford University
Ray Bilodeau
Graphic Artist
Sam Black
Postdoctoral Fellow 1974-1978
Professor Veterinary & Animal Sciences - UMASS Ahmherst
Gary Breitbard
Thomas Breithaupt
Visiting Scientist - 2000
Harvey Cantor
Baruj Benacerraf Professor - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Jniruddha (Onny) Chatterjee
Jianzhu Chen
Graduate Student - 1985-1990
Professor of Biology - M.I.T
William Clawson
Jeffrey Dangl
Graduate Student - 1981-1985
HHMI Investigator and John N. Couch Professor - University of North Carolina
Stephen C. De Rosa
Postdoctoral Fellow - 1994-2000
Research Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine - University of Washington
External Joint Associate Member, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, FHCRC
Flow Vice Chair, Clinical Operations
Flow Cytometry Laboratory Director, HIV Vaccine Trials Network
Brian Devlin
Graduate Student (no degree) 1998-2003
Paolo DiSimplio
Visiting Scientist - 1995
Research Director universita delgi Studi Siena
Greg Dubs
NAC Trial SF Clinic
Watderez Ornelas Dutra
Visiting Professor, ICB-UFMG-Brazil
Chloe Ebrahimian
Intern, 2019-2020 Under Grad Bolder University
Jonathan Ebrahimian
Software Engineer intern
Laurel Eckhardt
Graduate Student
Hesselbach Professor of Biology - Hunter College
Steve Ela
Research Associate - 2000
Serge Blaise Emaleu
MD Emergency Operations Coordinator (EOC)
Global Health Strategies
Robert Erickson
Medical Student 1985
Doctor - Clinical Genetics
Paul Fallon
Research Assistant/FACS Operator
C. Garrison Fathman
Postdoctoral Fellow
Professor of Medicine - Stanford University
Andrew Fell
Postdoctoral Fellow 1997-1998
Associate Director of News and Media Relations - UC Davis
Steve Fiering
Graduate Student 1985-1990
Director of Microbiology and Immunology - Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine
John Freed
Graduate Student
Sandra Gadus
Life Science Technician
Tim Gadus
Life Science Technician
Space and Assets Manager, School of Medicine, Stanford
Marcos Garcia-Ojeda
Rotating Graduate Student
Lecturer with Security of Employment - UC Merced
Laurie Garrett
Senior Fellow for Global Health Council on Foreign Relations Author, Lecturer, Policy
Yuan Ge
Yael Gerenez
MD, Stanford University, Clinical Assistant Professor
Department Pediatrics-Immunology
Rachel Gerstein
Postdoctoral Fellow 1994-1996
Associate Professor, Co-leader
Capstone Scholarship & Discovery Course Scientific Advisor, Flow Cytometry Core
Department of Microbiology and Physiological Systems
University of Massachusetts Medical School Albert Sherman Center
Pietro Ghezzi
Visiting Scientist 1997-2000
RM Phillips Chair in Experimental Medicine - University of Brighton
Eliver Ghosn
2018 PHD, Assistant Professor, Emory University
Department of Medicine and Pediatrics
Mark Gilbert
Research Assistant/FACS Operator
James Goding
Postdoctoral Fellow
Emeritus Professor - Monash University
Darren Gold
Laura Goldbaum
Richard Goldsby
Visiting Scientist
Adjunct Faculty - UMASS
Kenneth Gollob
Visiting Professor
Head of Transitional Immuno-Oncology Group A.C.
Camargo Cancer Center, San Paulo, SP Brazil
Amoni Green
Postdoctoral Fellow - 1998-2000
Senior Director Pharmacovigilance - Quark Pharmaceuticals
Daniel Greenwald
Daisy Gross
Research Assistant
Nurse Practioner at Stanford Children's Health
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford
Sonoko Habu
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow
Professor School of Medicine - Juntendo University
Hanna Hacham
Richard (Randy) Hardy
Postdoctoral Fellow - 1981-1984
Gerald Harrison
Animal Caretaker
Dale Hattis
Graduate Student - 1967-1973
Professor - Clark University
Kyoko Hayakawa
Postdoctoral Fellow 1980-1984
Professor - Fox Chase Cancer Center
Aleta Hayes
Undergraduate/Lab Assistant
Stanford University Academic Staff
Department Dance, Lecturer
Mark Heller
Ometa Herman
Life Sciences Technician IV
Jana Herzen
Life Science Technician
President - Motema Music
Eric (Rick) Herzenberg
Animal Caretaker
Self-Employed - Rick's Pottery Creations
Kartoosh Heydari
MD, Stanford University
Department: Medicine-Med/Blood and Marrow-FACS Facility
Lauren Elizabeth Higdon
Stanford Undergraduate/Research Assistant
Stanford Department Medicine-Med/Nephrology Instructor
John Houck
Medical Student
MD Otolaryngology - University of Oklahoma
Charles Hsu
Graduate Student 1978-1984
Director, Optivia Biotechnology
Ernie Huang
Postdoctoral Fellow 1980-1982
Su Huang
Graduate Student 1984-1987
Machteld Hylkema
Visiting Graduate Student
Associate Pr - University of Groningenofessor
Mike Iverson
Technician 1964-1968
Postdoctoral Fellow 1974-1978
Gina Jager
Research Assistant 1979-2000
LSRP Nolan Lab - Stanford University
Vencent Jiang
Pathology Technician
Jeffrey Johnsen
Research Assistant
Assistant Professor, University of San Francisco
Patricia Jones
Visiting Graduate Student
Postdoctoral Fellow
Emeritus (Active) Professor - Stanford University,Biology
Professor, Biology - Stanford University
Michael Julius
Graduate Student
Professor- University of Toronto
Aaron Kantor
Post Doc
Peter Katsikis
Postdoctoral Fellow 1994-1997
Professor and Head, Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Cen
Roger Kautz
Graduate Student
Paula Kavathas
Postdoctoral Fellow 1984-1987
Professor - Yale University
Patsy Kent
Laboratory Assistant
Bill Kerr
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-1993
Murphy Family Professor of Children's Oncology Research - Alterna Therapeutics
Thomas Kipps
Medical Fellow 1984-1985
Jan Klein
Postdoctoral Fellow
Tim Knaak
Research Assistant/FACS Operator
Alfred Knudson
Len's Lab Partner at Cal Tech 1955
Dane Kopinski
Frans Kroese
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-1988
Professor, Faculty of Medical Sciences - University of Groningen
Smriti Kundu-Raychauhuri
UC Davis Health
Shaun Kunnavatanna
Undergraduate Student
Research Technician 2002
Johanna L'age-Stehr
Postdoctoral Fellow
Paul Lalor
Visiting Graduate Student
Annette Langer-Gould
MD-Kaiser Permanente
Neurologist specializing in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Julie Laval
Research Assistant
Former PhD student at Emory University
Post-Doctoral Fellow at Universitat Tubingen Germany
Jeff Ledbetter
Postdoctoral Fellow 1978-1981
Affiliate Professor, Division of Rheumatology - University of Wisconsin
Joshua Lederberg
1st Chair of Genetics 1959-1980
Frank Liu
Intern/Research Assistant
Undergraduate UC Berkeley
Linda Lloyd
Michael Loken
Postdoctoral Fellow 1973-1977
President, Laboratory Director - Hematologics
Matthew Lorincz
Graduate Student 1990-1996
Professor Department of Medical Genetics - University of British Columbia
Ann Lu
Research Assistant
UCLA Graduate student
Santiago Macias
Animal Caretaker
John MacKenzie
Medical Student
Associate Professor - University of California San Francisco
Yee Mai
UC Berkeley
Megha Makam
Research Assistant
PhD studied at Stanford University, M & M Arts
Bala Manian
Biometric Imaging
Tohru Masuda
Postdoctoral Fellow 1970
Toshi Matsushima
Petri Mattila
Postdoctoral Fellow 1998-1990
Docent, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery - Pihlajalinna
Patrick McGuinness
Computer Engineer
Melina McKim
Quasim Mehdi
Visiting Scientist
Manuela Mengozzi
Postdoctorl Fellow 1998-2001
Research Fellow - Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Chuck Metzler
Postdoctoral Fellow 1965
Berri (Herzenberg) Michel
David Micklem
Visiting Student
Co-Founder, Director of Diagnostics & Biomarkers - BerGenBio
Gos Micklem
Visiting Student
PI Department of Genetics - University of Cambridge
H. Spedding Micklem
Sabatical Visit 1978-1979
Emeritus Professor School of Biological Sciences - University of Edinburgh
Lisel Micklem
Visiting Scientist
John Minna
Medical Student 1961-1965
Professor & Director - UT Southwestern Medical Center
Loubov Mintas
Dipendra Mitra
Postdoctoral Fellow 1994-1997
Professor and Department Head, Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics
Erin Mitsunaga
Life Science Research Professional
Stanford Graduate Student
JIMB Training Program
Monty Montano
Graduate Student 1988-1994
Assistant Professor of Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical
Liz Montgomery
Matt Mrazek
Neil Mukhopadhyay
Producer/Writer, Show: Futurama
Donal Murphy
Postdoctoral Fellow 1974-1977
Diane S. n'Keumm
Moon H. Nahm
Medical Student
Professor of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care - UAB School of Medicine
Director, NIH Bacterial Respiratory Pathogen Reference Lab - UAB
Director, WHO Pneumococcal Reference Lab - UAB
Hajime Nakamura
Postdoctoral Fellow 1993-1994
Hiromitsu Nakauchi
Graduate Student 1983-1985
Professor of Genetics - Stanford University
Madhubanti Neogi
Mark Noble
Graduate Student 1972-1977
Principle Investigator - University of Rochester Medical Center
Garry Nolan
Graduate Student 1983-1990
Professor, Microbiology & Immunology - Stanford University
Barbara Nyhan
Software Programmer
Sharon O'Leary
NAC Trial SF Clinic
Vernon Oi
Postdoctoral fellow 1977-1983
Blissfully Retired
Ko Okumura
Postdoctoral Fellow 1972-1975
Emeritus Professor, Immunology - Juntendo University
Director, Atopy Research Center - Juntendo University
Kyoko Okumura
Summer Intern
Ross Okumura
Senior Research Associate
Okamura Scientific Consulting
UCSF, Stanford PhD
Darya Orlova
Hisao Osada
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-1990
Barbara Osborne
Graduate Student 1973-1979
Professor Department of Veterinary & Animal Services - UMASS Amherst
Solomon Aduvienane Owumi
PhD, Senior Lecturer
University of Ibadan
Jinhui Pan
Senior Staff Software Engineer/Senior Manager at Google
Nirav Parekh
Marilyn Parsons
Graduate Student
Professor and Director of Training and Dev - Center for Infectious Disease
Lisa Petersen
Research Assistant
David Pettigrew
MD, Mission Hospital-Asheville
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Megan Phillips
Life Research Technician
Sharon Phillips
Animal Caretaker
Andrew Poon
Anne Marie Portnoi
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-1988
Dennis Portnoi
Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-1988
Ronald Rabin
Postdoctoral Fellow 1991-1993
Chiara Rattazzi
Research Assistant 1988
Siba Raychaudhuril
MD, UC Davis Health
Dermatology, Professor-Medicine
Anand Reddi
Jeff Reidler
Emeritus 1960-1963
Roy Riblet
Graduate Student 1964-1971
Adjunct Member - Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies
Ventul Rimpoche
Software Programmer
Mario Roederer
Postdoctoral Fellow 1988 - 1999, Herzenberg Laboratory
Acting Director, Translational Research Program Chief, ImmunoTechnology Section
Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
Dir, Translational Research Program Chief, ImmunoTechnology Section, VRC, NIH
Brie Romines
Research Assistant
Pat Sadate-Ngatchou
Technical Director , Emerging Infectious Diseases and Health Security at FHI 360
Bita Sahaf
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Cancel Cell Therapy Center, Senior Research Scientist
Art Salomon
Graduate Student 1998-2002
Katherine Seidl
Graduate Student 1988-1995
Research Director Immunotherapy - Bluebird Bio
Andrew Serafini
Graduate Sudent 1988-1994
Partner at Kilpatrick Townsend
Sue Sheppard
Life Science Technician
Ekaterina Sidorova
Visiting Professor from Sweden
Elizabeth Simpson
Visiting Postdoc
Emeritus Professor of Transplantatiion Biology - Imperial College London
Glenn Smith
Research Assistant
Jasmine Sosa
Animal Caretaker/Lab Assistant
Frank Staal
Graduate Student 1988-1993
Professor Department of Immunhematology and Blood Transfusion - LUMC
Alan Stall
postdoctoral Fellow 1984-1990
Principal Scientist - BD Pharmingen
Robert Stout
Postdoctoral Fellow
Richard Stovel
Research Engineer
Jian Sun
Software Programmer
Founder, Polytope Tech
Richard Sweet
Sr. Research Engineer 1971-1986
Masatoshi Tagawa
Postdoctoral Fellow
Catherine Tarlinton
Research Assistant
David Tarlinton
Graduate student 1994-1989
Professor Immune Memory Lab - Monash University
Rabin Tirouvanziam
Postdoctoral Fellow
Associate Professor, Emory School of Medicine
Iwan Tjioe
Research Assistant
Bioprocess Engineer - BD Biosciences
Takeshi Tokuhisa
Postdoctoral Fellow 1965-1970
Jeanne Tomasoff
FACS Software Programmer
Javier Torres-Roca
Postdoctoral Fellow 1995-1997
Associate Member - Moffitt Cancer Center
Adam Treister
Computer Programmer
Shanel Tsudanel
Hiromochi Tsurui
James Tung
Graduate Student
PhD, Stanford University - Department Immunology and Rheumatology
Professor Samuel Md Strober
Senior Research Associate, Herzenberg Lab
Senior Staff Scientist, Beckman Coulter
Sandra Valencia
Laboratory Assistant
Wessel Van Der Loo
Postdoctoral Fellow
Senior research Associate - CIBIO
Al Varon
Animal Caretaker
Manuel Villagas
David Voehringer
Postdotoral Fellow 1998-2000
Founder - Protein Simple
Amy Wagelie-Steffen
Medical Student
Matthew Waldor
Medical Student 1988-1996
Investigator Brgham and Women's Hospital - HHMI
Denong Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow 1993-1994
Scientist and Senior Program Director - SRI International
Ruby Wang
Summer Intern
Noel Warner
Postdoctoral Fellow 1964-1966
Kenji Watanabe
Postdoctoral Fellow 1991-1993
Kampo Medicine Specialist - Keio University School of Medicine
Naoko Watanabe
Visiting Scientist 2000
Nobukazu Watanabe
Postdoctoral Fellow 1994-1997
Ginger Waters
Research Assistant
Woodside Middle School Science Teacher
Jeffrey Waters
Life Research Technician
Claudia Weber
Adnministrative Assistant
Floor Weerkamp
Erica Weirich
Medical Student
Doctor Family Medicine - Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Irving Weissman
Medical Student
Professor Pathology Stem Cell Institue - Stanford University
Jennifer Wilshire
Graduate Student 1994-2001
Instructor - Flocyte Associates
Milton Wise
R&D Engineer
Henry Wortis
Postdoctoral Fellow
Professor Immunology Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences - Tufts
Fang Wu
Research Assistant
Eric Wunderlich
Research Assistant 1993-1995
John Wunderlich
Medical Student 1960-1964
Ying Xing
Junji Yodi
Summer Intern
Justin Youngyunpipatkul
Life Science Research Professional, Department of Genetics
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Daniela Zelaschi
PhD Immunology 1981-1983
Founder of Pharma Ideas Consulting, Italy
Noah Zimmerman
Graduate Student