Protocols & Procedures
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Here is the protocols & procedures information we have accumulated over the years.
Ab Purification
Absorption of Antibody with Lymphoid Cells
DE-52 Column Chromatography
Ion Agar Electrophoresis
Radio-Immune Assay
Sepharose 4B Conjugation
Ultrogel A - Ultrogel AcA Instruction Sheet
Cell Preparation
Cell Treatment with Glass Wool
Counting Cells with an Electric Counter
Separation of Lymphocytes Using Ficoll-Hypaque
Method doe Velocity Sedimentation Ig Gradient
Identification of Dead Cells in FACS Cloning Procedure
A Solid-Phase Immunoenzymatic Technique for the Enumeration of Specific Antibody-Secreting Cells
Fluoresceinating C ---Valin A
FTC Labeling in Suspension